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Technology Transfer
Technology development and transfer play two vital roles: addressing the challenges that climate change has posed on nature and people and enabling the taking advantage of opportunities that climate change has posed. United Nations organizations have been cognizant of these. In 2008 the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its parties agreed to facilitate, promote and finance environmentally friendly technology transfers. Furthermore, the agreement included know-how to developing nations and assistance in reducing the vulnerability of the developing world through achieving adaptation costs. With regards to technology development and transfer for addressing climate change, United Nations organizations and collaborations with other international organizations, governments, and nongovernmental entities, as highlighted by A Survey of Activities by United Nations System Organizations on Technology Development and Transfer for Climate Change, has been focusing on the following bulletins:
“Providing more comprehensive information on technologies, commercial products, techniques and methods;”
“Creating a global programme of accelerated public and private investment to rapidly increase capacity of renewable energy systems in conjunction with effective policy mechanisms as a means to sharply reduce costs and motivate technology improvements;”
“Promoting national and regional markets for ESTs and adaptive technologies, especially with an environment that will foster local production;”
“Enhancing the emphasis on the promotion of the development of comprehensive national plans that integrate issues of climate change with those of the environment, sustainable development and achieving the Millennium Development Goals;”
“Increasing the number of programmes that provide fully integrated technical assistance to help develop, manage and operate EST projects and/or businesses;”
“Augmenting the number of projects that involve enterprises, such as through joint ventures, for transferring, deploying and developing ESTs;”
“Increasing efforts that result in capacity-building through joint research involving researchers from developing nations in institutions of developed and developing countries.”
UN. (2010). Technology Development and Transfer for Climate Change: A Survey of Activities by United Nations System Organizations. Available at: https://sdgs.un.org/sites/default/files/publications/Survey_of_TT_Activities_by_UN_Organizations.pdf . Access date: 24 March 2023.